The 12 Exercises of Christmas! Glute Band Special!

A festive workout to keep you moving over the Christmas period. All you need is a glute band! If you don’t have one, look no further, you can buy one here.

Inspired by the 12 days of Christmas song there’s 12 rounds... each round gets more difficult as a new exercise is added.


Start by doing just number 1:

1 x Banded glute bridge with 20 pulse outs


Then add in number 2:

2 x Walk outs with 3 step outs each side (do this twice)

1 x Banded glute bridge with 20 pulse outs


Then add in number 3:

3 x Crab bridge reps (with 5 sec hold each rep)

2 x Walk outs with 3 step outs each side (do this twice)

1 x Banded glute bridge with 20 pulse outs


Keeping adding the next exercise to each set until the final set which will look like this…


12 x Pulse outs seated - 12 upright, 12 lean forward, 12 lean back

11 x Lateral steps (11 each direction)

10 x Glute bridges with band 1 & 1/2 reps each

9 x Monster walks (9 steps each side forward then back)

8 x Feet elevated glute bridges with 3 sec hold on each rep

7 x Banded hip thrusts 2 sec hold on box

6 x Glute bridge hold with 6 side step outs (do this 6 times)

5 x Side lying leg raises (each side)

4 x Single leg glute bridge

3 x Crab bridge reps (with 5 sec hold each rep)

2 x Walk outs with 3 step outs each side (do this twice)

1 x Banded glute bridge with 20 pulse outs


Let me know how you get on! Any questions just ask - happy to explain how to do the workout! Also if you want to make the workout harder / easier just ask - this can be easily changed by your band positioning or the type of band you use for example.

Music: Sunny Musician: Ilya Truhanov Site:

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